Lexington Friends Preschool

Our Staff

A Message From Our New Director

Hello, and happy summer LFP staff, families, and community!

My name is Rebecca Thompson-Stewart and I am the new Director here at LFP. I can’t wait to meet you all.

Here’s a little about me: I was born and raised in Flatwoods, the home of Billy Ray Cyrus, in Eastern Kentucky. I’m married to my college sweetheart and we have an eight-year-old daughter and a four-month-old son. We live in Lexington now and I have been in Central Kentucky thirteen of the last seventeen years, including college. I’ve been working in early childhood since 2010. I have visited LFP a couple of times over the years and know how special a place it is. The Friends’ board had wonderful things to say about this program and the families we serve. They are generously reinvesting time and resources to support this program because they believe in its value. They told me in my interview how amazing LFP is and I believe them. I am excited to be there with you every day.

I value early education that is research based and I love learning new things, so you’ll notice I like to have a resource for everything. I feel strongly about reality- based education for young children – that means a lot of time discovering the natural world, plenty of free sensorimotor exploration, and natural motor development opportunities. Education to me is at its best when it is individualized and I love observing, taking detailed notes, and serving children – and adults – as individuals, so I really do want to get to know you.

I personally enjoy order and systems, processes and timelines, deadlines and detailed plans. I like to be creative in solving problems and learning new things. I’m a relational leader. I want you to know that, like I told the board, my goal is to be the administrator teachers and families need. I will not be a leader behind a closed door. My goal is a collaborative work environment; one where I spend time in the classrooms, on the playground, and with the children every day. I will sweep the floor if it needs to be swept and I will step in if teachers need to step out.

This year is going to be exciting and the beginning of something amazing between us. I hope you will take this year as an opportunity for a fresh start with me. I’ll do my best to support you through it. I’m also going to ask for your help. There is a lot to do. I am ready for it. I will see you soon!

Rebecca Thompson-Stewart, M.S.Ed.